In this modern era, we have involved ourselves in different activities that our schedules are too busy and our attention is constantly occupied that we don’t have any time for ourselves. Technology, while having some awesome benefits to humanity, has replaced our focus from spending time on activities that improve our overall wellbeing and health, and we have replaced spending time building real social connections with more time in front of the screens. Many may think that self-care is an expensive venture, but, trust me, there are budget friendly self-care ideas that you can use. So how do we self-care on a budget?
We have gathered a few tips for you. Let’s glance over it and adopt one or some of these methods to better take care of yourself and improve your health, overall and stay healthy on a budget.

Walking is surely budget friendly self-care. Research has shown a person who walks daily has better overall health and an improved mental state of mind and even better skin health. For instance, did you know that going for a walk when you’re tired may be a more effective energy booster to you than grabbing a cup of coffee? Taking a walk has been proven to boosts energy flow through your body as it increases levels of cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.
These are the hormones that help elevate energy levels.
Walking also has awesome benefits such as:
- Extending your life, with research showing that walking on an average pace daily reduces the risk of death by up to 20%.
- walking improves your mental health from anxiety, depression, negative mood, and thoughts. Need proof? Challenge yourself to a 30 minutes brisk walk 3 times a week for 1 month while keeping a wellness journal on your genuine feelings. Write down in your wellness journal your thoughts and read through the journal at the end of the month to see the difference in your thinking and importantly, how you feel.
TIP: If 30 minutes is too much, to begin with, try breaking it down to 15-minute walk 2x a day. Be flexible with yourself and give your body and mind time to catch up. As long as you are trying your absolute best and this is FREE anyways, cut yourself some slack and just keep trying. Don’t forget to engage with us on Instagram to tell us your results by the end of the month!
- Walking reduces sugar levels. Diabetes has caused so much trauma for many families, particularly within the black communities. For instance, did you know that Diabetes is significantly higher for black adults than for white adults (about 66 more cases of diabetes per 1,000 people), with the greatest difference was between black women and white women? Increased sugar levels in people of color are caused by many factors including emotional eating to not reading food labels leading to higher consumption of carbs and added sugar. Good news though…A small study found that post-meal walking for 15 minutes has been said to improve your sugar levels say more than say 45 minutes’ walk during another time in the day. So if your self-care goal is to also manage your sugar levels try incorporating walking for free after your meals. Again, you can be flexible with your schedule by walking in the mornings and evenings.
TIP: you can incorporate this into your work schedule by taking the stairs instead of the elevator. The beauty of self-care is that it’s all about SELF. It’s what works for you and when it works for you!
- Walking in the mornings prevents the growth of acne, pimples, and other skin-related issues because walking as a self-care activity, improves your skin glow naturally.
TIP: regular brisk walking provides better results.



- Drinking plenty of water. It is because when we stay hydrated, our organs work well. Skin remains fresh, and we have better mental health. Water with lemon first thing in the morning is one of our favorite easy self care ways.
- Sleeping well. Set a Sleep reminder 30 minutes before bed and unwind by listening to meditative music for 30 minutes to get your body and mind in a state of relaxation. TIP: try having a calming nighttime tea to support relaxation.
- Visit a museum for free. Art and walking have both great benefits for uplifting your spirit, your creativity and appreciation of life and beauty.
- Pray/Meditate/Be Still. Spending time in stillness with God and yourself, focused on your breathing has a lot of life-changing benefits (too many in fact, that we think this deserves a different and new post 🙂
- Journaling. Write down your thoughts over a period and read your journal when you are in commute or in the restroom (lol) to see overtime how your thinking is changing or affecting you. It’s truly becoming self-aware.
Final Thoughts
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