Self Care Ideas for a Bad Day

Is something wrong? Look no further if you’re looking for terrific ways to care for yourself on rough days. In no uncertain terms will they aid in lifting your spirits!

10 Ultimate Self-Care Ideas For A Bad Day

Everyone has experienced similar days. It’s barely 4:30, your boss has yelled at you, and your children have caused chaos in the kitchen. If you’re having a rough day, here are ten ways to cheer up and feel hopeful again by yourself. Let’s go through some bad day self-care and see how to take care of yourself when you’re having a bad day, together, shall we?


  1. Laugh;
  2. Cuddle with your favorite one
  3. Enjoy your favorite food
  4. Snuggle up and relax
  5. Treat yourself a little
  6. Journaling is a Win
  7. Read to Calm your Nerves
  8. Relish some time Outside
  9. Meditate with you mind in the Right Place
  10. Do a Hard Reset

1. LAUGH 😉

Laugh for yourself

A good laugh may be just what the doctor ordered if you’re having a rough day. So find something entertaining to watch, whether a video on YouTube, or a feel good movie or a short skit on TikTok. This should help you refocus your direction on all that is going wrong in the present to provide a temporary escape. This temporary escape may be all you need to get your body to relax enough to find creative solutions to your present challenges.

2. Cuddle With Your Favorite One

Cuddle therapy self care

Cuddling might just be the solution to self care if you’re having a bad day. If you’re having a bad day, cuddle up with a loved one, whether a pet, child, friends, spouse or even a pillow. Being with and leaning into loved ones who give you good vibes can do wonders for lifting your spirits after a hard day.

Whether setting up a night on the town or staying in for a quiet night, more good feelings like love and laughter will surface when loved ones surround you and even better, can hug you, rubbing your back to calm your nerves even if you do not verbally express what your present challenges are to them.

Don’t be shy to ask for a hug when you need it and a backrub too. But if you feel like sharing what you are going through, even better because talking with a trusted confidant about your challenges in a safe space where you feel heard and genuine empathy does help alot to remove a lot of negative emotions and thoughts about the day and fears for everything else that could go wrong. If you’re having a difficult day, it may help to talk about it with your favorite person so you can vent, let it out  and move on.

3. Enjoy Your Favorite Food

Self care food meditation

When you’re having a bad day, sometimes indulging in your favorite food is all you need to feel better. Like they say: Eat out your emotions. Well, just a little. We once read in a cookie box: if you are going to eat a cookie, eat a cookie! Likewise, if you are going to treat yourself to your favorite food, treat yourself! Good food has been proven to not only nourish our bodies but also uplift our spirits.

To show your appreciation, prepare a meal or treat that you particularly enjoy. Preparing a meal from scratch is a great way to relieve tension. When it comes to taking care of yourself, one of the best ways to improve your health is to create some delicious healthy meals or if it’s a really bad day, make a cheat day out of it (as long as everyday is not a cheat day, you should be OK).

Preparing your meal at home not only gets your body moving but with your favorite music playing in the background, you get to force your body out of the gloomy state to a happy one. Also, you can manage what goes into each dish when you cook at home and save money while  eating food you know is entirely fresh and good for you.

Of course, only you can decide so if you’ve had a difficult day and feel exhausted to even think of cooking indoors, try taking yourself to your favorite restaurant- that’s also OK.

4. Snuggle Up And Relax

Dress in your comfiest clothes or your PJs if you choose. Embrace the finer points of homemaking if you’re not feeling social. It’s amazing how putting on your favorite clothes can affect your mood.

5. Treat Yourself a Little

A spa day might help you unwind and feel better after a stressful week. So many diverse things might be meant by the term “indulgence.” Among the many options for self care you could indulge in are:

  • A covering for one’s face with a warm towel.
  • Apply a hair mask.
  • Time spent in the tub or shower.

Important side note- It helps to improve your bathing experience with soaps having calming effects and non-toxic ingredients.

  • Do your fingernails
  • Perform a facial on yourself.
  • Getting a steam facial
  • Using an aromatherapeutic body scrub like our  Radiant Rose Body Scrub
  • Apply foot lotion and give your feet a massage.
  • Do some self-massage.

The tension of a difficult day can be temporarily relieved by treating yourself to a spa day. Nothing beats a home spa day if you want to relax and focus on yourself. An easy and low-cost way to take care of yourself.

6. Journaling is a Win

Self care food meditation


Journaling is an excellent method of self-care since it provides a safe space for uncensored expression. Putting your thoughts on paper can be a good release on a stressful day. A user might sign up and then abandon their information on the website. When faced with a challenging situation, it can be helpful to write down your thoughts so that you can refer back to them later and examine them with fresh eyes. If you keep a journal regularly, you will find that it helps your mental health and lifts your spirits, especially on difficult days. You might utilize the journaling prompts on different thoughts to redirect your attention away from the bad day and toward the future.

7. Read

A good book can transport you to another world, where you can lose yourself in the plot and characters and focus on the emotions the author is evoking. It’s easy to become lost in a book when sitting in a comfortable chair, sipping a warm beverage, and maybe even enjoying the fragrance of a lit candle. We especially love Esker plantable candles because it helps relax our whole body and relieves some of the frustrations we may feel with every deeper, more filled breath from the aroma of their candles.

8. Relish Some Time Outside

After a trying day, stepping outside into the sunshine and fresh air may work wonders in relieving stress. Self care activities that involve spending time in nature have been linked to reduced levels of stress and anxiety. Additionally, the character has the potential to evoke a wide range of positive feelings, including serenity and happiness. Therefore, after a trying day, coming back to your heart might help you get your bearings. You may take care of yourself in the natural world by doing the following:

  • A stroll through the woods, either with friends or alone
  • Go to one of the many autumn festivals in your area.
  • Get out into the great outdoors and relax.
  • Spend some time outdoors with your dog.
  • Spend time together as a family or group playing a sport.
  • Take some time to relax and soak up the sun in the garden.
  • Relax in the garden with some tunes or a good read.

Additionally, the bacteria that thrive in plant environments may aid in immune system enhancement and inflammation mitigation. Thus, not only will your disposition improve, but also your mental and physiological well-being.

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1. Emotional Benefits of Gratitude
2. 12 Ideas for Emotional Self-Help

We hope your day or week turns around for good with these pamper me ideas. To keep getting weekly self-care tips, subscribe here.

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